brilliant - and beautiful!
a human “walk” through time, across the earth
out-of-eden-walk.nationalgeographic.org/media/201… -
every once in awhile the Danzinger balance, tips more from the usual woodchuck dry humor, to poignance - which some of us know all too well: https://www.rutlandherald.com/features/weekend_magazine/teeds/image_9a74d4f8-2072-572a-b595-a67fbff38408.html
The macOS Weather app can notify for severe weather - it’s Settings window, directed me to Settings > Notifications – but Weather was mising. I stumbled on a solution: Open Notification Center & open Weather from there - it immediately prompted to enable. (C’mon Apple :/ .)
we will not be deterred! 😉
❤️ -
gods bless danzinger www.danzigercartoons.com/cartoons/…
burdock: such a bane - and such a beauty
anybody know how to ID if this is really “lion’s mane”?
in my happy place, doing one of my favorite things (besides simply walking in the woods): hunting mushrooms
(photo credit to my amazing wife :)
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