: SCOTUS nixes injunction that limited Biden admin contacts with social networks [Ars Technica ] cool… …

: Q&D cmd-line to show dependency graphs for `brew outdated` ``` brew outdated -q | while read searchRoot; do echo 'checking for '$searchRoot'...' …

: dump iCloud Mail Rules to human-readable format github.com/mvgfr/uti…

: mac file sharing settings cleared seems to have happened just after applying the 14.3.1 update (though has happened before): all …

: Interesting underscore artifact in recent versions of macOS Terminal a thin horizontal line, somewhere before the current cursor… it’s apparently a leftover bit of …

: A refreshingly nuanced look at "AI" John Siracusa (famed of exacting investigation and insight) has some excellent ideas - and questions …

: safety tip for using `tar` and `--option`s this will fail (it ignores the excludes - frustrating!): tar -cf /dev/null ./ …

: SMBC is brilliant - as usual: www.smbc-comics.com/comic/sel…

: Ian McDonald’s “The Little Goddess” is beautiful, brilliant - a page-turner! From …

: there’s something about meditation, wherein judgement is suspended… which seems notable / …

: csvkit to import CSVs in a uniform format I’ve really been enjoying the power of csvkit to reliably munge CSVs into a uniform format - …

: for each Time Machine destination, display: ID, date & human-readable destination { remvHeaders='s/==+/\'$'\n''/g'; echo 'Current status of TM destinations:'; destInfo=$(tmutil …

: wow; I just read my first work by Eleanor Arnason - “Potter of Bones” (in “The …

: open iftop for each (cfg’d) network interface: for i in $(ifconfig -lu); do if ifconfig $i | …

: Partially-formed process, to convert RTF formatting (ex: lists) from clipboard / pasteboard, to …

: strange: when adding a link to an (Apple) Notes document: if the URL has a comma, everything up to …

: brilliant - and beautiful! a human “walk” through time, across the earth …

: In the story about VT’s US Rep Becca Balint and contributions by crypto-jerk SBF, theVPO has …

: $14 / month - and you better believe you’re still the product 🤮 …

: it’s increasingly easy, to feel like the formerly reasonable expectations, of working hard, …

: with piles of books across the place (and devices) I noticed that, depending which pile I find …

: Wow: The Nib is sadly on the way out 😢 - but making all their mags available for free download! …

: got my first pension check; nice. retiring, is the best (work-related) decision I ever made - LOVING …

: Keef, with a great way to look at our obligation to actively make a better world: …

: ugh: just after 3am, I got an email that my HSA was going to start charging a fee - per month - …

: reminder: that thing you opened you phone/computer for - to be immediately distracted by other …

: A sudo softwareupdate --install --all never got past Downloaded. 😕 No prompt (cmd-line or GUI) to …

: Uninstall is sometimes not so simple Drat; I’ve been meaning to try the Smile AppleScript editor, but waited too long, and …

: every once in awhile the Danzinger balance, tips more from the usual woodchuck dry humor, to …

: ugh: in a dir within iCloud Drive, replacing a regular file, with a symlink of the same name, …

: oh; weird: if you happen to have /tmp open in a Finder window, brew install wget fails with …

: vtdigger.org/2023/04/2… these are distractions - interim president Mike Smith – …

: Google - the company whose motto WAS “Don’t be Evil”: arstechnica.com

: as usual: doing the right thing is - if moral reasons aren’t enough for you - also the less …

: Apple Savings: % ain’t bad & it looks like xfer between a linked external account, is much …

: another sign that several justices on the US Supreme Court are partisan hacks: this is nothing but a …

: are you in the cloud majority? twitter.com/Grady_Boo…

: wow; the Murad situation just looks worse and worse - and why indeed, is it so very important, for …

: macOS Login Items, and other "Allow in Background" There are lots of Login Items and other “Allow in Background” items in macOS these days …

: how to convert macOS clipboard RTF (ex: from Notes.app), to Markdown? this’ll get you 95% of …

: the new legit slacking excuse - and not just for programmers! with thanks / apologies to the amazing …

: I am so down for this TMNT Movie (and FWTFIW: new to the franshise - don’t at me)

: if you haven’t found PDL yet, Reza Farazmand does great work - check it out: …

: it’s just weird, how there are so many signs, urging people to vote against police oversight …

: How strange: On one Mac I use, when I paste (cmd-V) into the filename field (has focus) in a Save …

: as we’ve come to expect from the good folks at TidBITS - a thoroughly approachable and …

: ugh; a disappointing hatchett job - more so, since there are important questions to discuss. too bad …

: The macOS Weather app can notify for severe weather - it’s Settings window, directed me to …

: the OPMI survey is well worth a few minutes of your time - it might help you understand a bit about …

: check out the “Big Five” (personality) survey - well worth a half hour …

: Here’s to all of us, who’ve been fighting for truth, justice, peace, … for so very, very …

: I started a Note, with lists of of word / term associations - which make sense to me. Since …

: COVID and elevated risk of blood clots, strokes or heart attacks “If you’ve had covid, watch out for stroke symptoms: Given that most people have had Covid by now, …

: vote pbs.twimg.com/media/FhA…

: “voting as fire extinguisher” …

: if you’re able, I hope you’ll join me in supporting the amazing Violet Blue and her …

: wow; i had no idea how challenging it would be, to get off the treadmill. yet another learning …

: Wow; if you haven’t yet seen Lucky (with Harry Dean Stanton), it is a beautiful thing: …

: Alcaraz, on Lindsey Graham - insightful as ever: www.dailykos.com/stories/2…

: How strange: I just got a “Magic Keyboard” for my M1 MacBook Air - and its Globe key …

: Apparently it's time for M1 users, to migrate their Homebrew config. Like right now. Drat; that was an unpleasant surprise: For some reason, when I tried brew upgrade today, the …

: eloquent - vtdigger.org/2022/07/2…

: if you haven’t yet had the joy of watching and listening to Rich Ortiz make music, …

: wow; check out this art exhibit at the Vermont Supreme Court Gallery! …

: the magic of the US dollar, is precisely this: it has value, because enough people believe it does. …

: it’s weird… people on the “right” are constantly whining about how illegitimate X …

: Well said - and they would know https://vvfnd.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/VVF_NYT_20220602_2.pdf

: “Russian missiles strike Kyiv, shattering sense of calm” Bullshit - the only sense of …

: did we really need more evidence that Elon is a terrible human being? really?? “demanding …

: COVID tips With so many of us now, simply shrugging and giving up on being careful about COVID - prompted by …

: another nudge to get any tests and boosters you’re eligible for, ASAP: Fauci signaling that [due to …

: do yourself (and everyone else) a favor - get some of these N95 masks: www.airgami.life why? …

: we will not be deterred! 😉 www.rutlandherald.com/opinion/c… ❤️

: Wiley nails it www.gocomics.com/nonsequit…

: Leah Elliot’s remix of Scott McCloud’s 2008 discussion of Google Chrome - should be …

: Books Unbanned - thanks to the Brooklyn Public Library 👏🏽 www.bklynlibrary.org/books-unb…

: gods bless danzinger www.danzigercartoons.com/cartoons/…

: whoever made this, gets 1,000 internet points

: more painful evidence that many officials - yes; “even” in VT - are making decisions …

: One of the most reliably wrong voices in VT (yes; more than McClaughry) - full of short-sightedness …

: spare a thought for my family: our fourth hospice, and death, in the past six years …

: “Thus far, only the state’s larger hospitals… have filed rate adjustment requests” Oh; …

: brilliant explanation of why - especially for some of us - it’s hard to switch tasks: …

: Wow; the new Spatial Audio feature (AirPods) is cool - though rather disorienting in some …

: Bolling’s brilliant take, on Putin’s abuse of his country, to abuse the people of Ukraine …

: “market forces” and healthcare - forcing many of us, to get neither health, nor care …

: The kids, are a whole lot better than alright: “teen wanted COVID vaccine; had to hide it from …

: Oh for the love of… Zoom on Mac may be recording you even when you’re not using it. How many …

: Poor form, folks - from the Ladders Privacy Policy Our Services do not respond to Do Not Track …

: a terribly trenchant summation of Trump and the Trump GOP

: brava, gail.com - well done indeed

: finally reading DFW’s (David Foster Wallce) “Infinite Jest” - and have had to employ a third …

: as usual, Wiley nails it btw, and not sure if it’s intentional: some of us, are just …

: of course it is ;)

: maitri

: spare a thought - or $ if you can - for some good folks who need help: …

: my black mug shot #blackmugshots #blackmugshot WTF change the conversation

: quick way to get notified that your other Mac (maybe a server?) has some software updates available: …

: safety tip, for whenever you pull out your computer to do <whatever>: ALWAYS do that FIRST - …

: A Hack to Index Notes, for Quicksilver First: A few presumptions; this is a hack: You have at least some grasp of operating at the (Mac) …

: workers unite - we have a slim chance here, to reverse some of the ground lost over the past half …

: good illustration of the idea of “security theater” - all that counts, is the weakest …

: burdock: such a bane - and such a beauty

: thankful to carry on some family history - and some of this equipment has been in use, since the …

: anybody know how to ID if this is really “lion’s mane”?

: Some of my favorite authors: Vonda N. McIntyre - Dreamsnake is simply beautiful; such a joy to read …

: GTD - my intro GTD: Getting Things Done GTD - High-Level GTD Definition, from the source GTD Flow diagram …

: clean up sensitive (Mac) Preview files It’s handy to print things to Preview - maybe you want to save the “security” …

: in my happy place, doing one of my favorite things (besides simply walking in the woods): hunting …

: Quicksilver I’m amazed how useful Quicksilver still is. I’ll be blogging more about it shortly. In …

: FWIW: Whenever I “have to” visit a questionable site (looking at you, Facebook - screw …

: well this looks darn handy: sayyescovidhometest.org

: log4j is not the problem The central problem, is the enormous jenga tower that we’ve built: Full of dependencies that …

: Here’s a shocker (not): John McClaughry is completely wrong - again: “Who pays for these …

: BTW: Here are links to my old blogs, on Blogger (bought by Google): (Why give any more to Google - …

: Rodger Malcolm Mitchell writes about several things - eloquently - including the recent passing of …

: blogging redux Oh… It actually feels good to pay for blogging services with a few bucks - rather than my immortal …